You may not know us, yet; but we’re working hard to know you.
We believe great healthcare starts by understanding each other. Who you are, your healthcare needs, even where you live, plays a major role in how healthy you are. We’re on a mission to reach local communities, make a connection, and help overcome negative social determinants of health impacting them.
Making health care simpler, easier, and more convenient.
To us, a better health care system starts with a simpler process, one that lets you see behind the scenes — to find out what a procedure costs before you get it, for example.
A better health care system is about more than saving money, of course. It’s about keeping you healthy. We’re working with doctors, hospitals and health networks to align the economic incentives so everyone’s focus stays on your health.
Finally, we think a better system is one that is connected. The right technology connects you and your health care team seamlessly. And it puts valuable information where it needs to be so you get the right care at the right time.
We believe that healthy communities lead to a healthier world
What exactly are social determinents of health? Conditions in the places where people live, learn, work, and play affect a wide range of health risks and outcomes. These conditions are known as social determinants of health (SDOH). As defined by the CDC
In the United States today, a person’s ability to live a healthy life is dramatically affected by where he or she lives.
Your zip code matters more than your genetic code when it comes to life expectancy.
Research has shown us that sixty percent of a person’s life expectancy is impacted by social determinants of health.
A person’s zip code can determine how easy it is to access healthy foods, the ability to walk and bike safely, and the ability to be safe from violence and exposures to environmental hazards.
Our community’s best resources for addressing social determinants of health are our local non-profit organizations.
Addressing SDOH before they contribute to long-term negative outcomes for residents in the communities where we live, work, and play is an important goal in our collective effort to build a healthier world
Your health goals lead the way. Wherever they take you, we’ll keep finding new ways to join you – with the latest information and inspiration to support you in your journey.
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